The Dayton Dental Hygienists' Association represents hygienists who live or work in:
Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Preble, Madison, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Union Counties.
Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Preble, Madison, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, Shelby, and Union Counties.
To advance and secure the profession of dental hygiene and to improve and protect the publics' total health.
To advocate quality oral healthcare access and delivery.
To provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Develop and maintain initiatives to support and mentor local dental hygienists and students.
Provide networking opportunities to address professional issues.
Expand our legislative focus and involvement.
Promote full utilization of dental hygienists in all practice settings.
Not a member? Join here.
To advance and secure the profession of dental hygiene and to improve and protect the publics' total health.
To advocate quality oral healthcare access and delivery.
To provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Develop and maintain initiatives to support and mentor local dental hygienists and students.
Provide networking opportunities to address professional issues.
Expand our legislative focus and involvement.
Promote full utilization of dental hygienists in all practice settings.
Not a member? Join here.
How We Operate
$20 of your ADHA dues goes to fund DDHA The rest of DDHA's money, is raised by DDHA via CE events and fundraisers We meet once a month in the months of Sept-May (Summers off) Meetings are planned a year in advance Meetings last about 1-2 hours Open for all RDH’s regardless of membership status |